Welcome to the Touwsrivier Socio-economic and Enterprise Development (SE.ED) Programmes Website!
This website has been created to provide you with access to information about how you can take part in the SE.ED prorammes! You can also use this website to engage with the programme implementation team!
The SE.ED programmes are aimed at empowring the people of Touwsrivier with skills, enterprise and
socio-economic development to increase their ability to take part in the economy.
SE.ED 2016 Overview!
Experience Works:
Candidates take part in Work Readiness Programme!
Touwsrivier Youth head off to West Coast TVET College!
The Experience Works programme provides fully-funded work experience oppportunities for a duration of 1 year to people with some previous work experience and/or exposrue to higher education/training. The 2016 Experience Works programme placed 8 candidates within 5 host companies in Johannesburg with the aim of providing work experience/exposure and increasing the employabilty of candidates. A 9th Experience works candidate was placed in Knowledge Pele as a Community Liasons Officer trainee to ensure the skill of community development is localised. The programme kicked-off in February 2016 with a 3 day Work Readiness programme. The training focused on areas such as career and personal development planning, improving one’s employability and office ettiquette.
A bursary fund aimed at funding youth of Touwsrivier to study further at a TVET/FET College. A total of 8 candidates were accpeted into Electrical engineering programmes while 5 candidates were accepted into business administration!
Enterprise 4 South Africa:
Programme set to partner locally-owned businesses
with post-graduates!
Career Exhibition:
2016 SE.ED programme cohort showcase their progress
at the well attended event!
Enterprise 4 South Africa (E4SA) is a small business development programme, targeting the growth of Survivalist businesses in the township, rural and peri-urban contexts of South Africa. A total of 7 businesses from Towusrivier were selected to participate in the programme. The programme seeks to empower business owners to take action towards building and strengthening their business. This is done by pairing business owners that will not only impart skills and knowledge, but will also be an added resource for the business that will provide key financial management, project management, marketing and business development skills.
Knowledge Pele hosted a Career Expo on the 24th of September 2016 in Touwsrivier with the main purpose of providing a platform for community members to learn about the SE.ED programmes.
Exploring the Role of Arts and Culture in
Community Development
Essay Writing Competition.
Knowledge Pele hosted a design workshop to gauge community interest in Arts and Culture development programmes. The main outcome of the workshop was the participants contribution to the design of the Touwsrivier SE.ED programmes logo and look and feel.
Read Ashley Leendertz winning essay on what he would do to bring opportunity to his community.
SE.ED Programmes
A work experience programme designed to provide particpants with opportunities to increase their employability.
12-24 month skills transfer programme that creates work opportunities for unemployed community members within established local enterprises & organisations.
A bursary fund aimed at funding youth of Touwsrivier to study further at a TVET/FET College.
An Enterprise Developent Programme designed to support the growth and development of locally owned entrprises!
Part enterprise development programme, part basic educational development programme, Enterprise Starter pack aims to support the development of new, youth owned enterprises in Touwsrivier.
Touwsrivier's loyalty rewards programme gives greater purchasing power to individuals employed through the SE.ED programmes who purchase goods and services from locally owned enterprises. For further details
This is being done by attracting established manufacturers through an incentives package which aids the employment of local community members. For further details
SE.ED Resources
Download available application forms and newsletters in PDF format from the list below.
If you are an NPO/NGO looking for funding for your programmes, download the SE.ED NPO Support Application Form.
Submit completed applications with relevant documentation to touwsrivierseed@knowledgepele.com.
If you would like to learn more about our programmes, download our publications below.
Get in touch with us today!
Touwsrivier SE.ED